Russian Alcohol Producer Loses Against Heineken in Trademark Infringement Suit

Feb 23 2012 - 12:33

Russian alcohol producer Vinagroprom has been prohibited from producing and selling products bearing the mark Okskaya, after losing a trademark infringement suit against Heineken Russia, the owner of the Okskoye trademarks.

According to the Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI), the Saint Petersburg Supreme Commercial Court ruled against Vinagroprom on February 8, 2012, thus upholding two previous lower court rulings.

Vinagroprom, the producer of the Okskaya Lux vodka, has been ordered to withdraw from sale and destroy labels and products bearing the confusingly similar mark to Okskoye and to pay Heineken USD 47,500 (EUR 35,800) in damages.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Russian Legal Information Agency (RAPSI)

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