.YU Domain Officially Expires in Serbia

Mar 30 2010 - 12:27

The .YU domain, originally assigned to the former Yugoslavia in 1989, officially expired in Serbia at noon on March 30, 2010, following the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ (ICANN) deadline.  

The websites of the remaining 4,000 .YU users are down and the instructions on how to switch to .RS are located on the Serbian National Register of Internet Domain Names (RNIDS) website.

The .YU domain continued to exist even after the county broke apart and lasted until March 10, 2008 when the new national .RS domain officially began to replace it. So far 55,600 users have switched domains and it is expected that the remaining 4,000 will soon be using .RS as well.

For more information, please contact Masa Lopicic in our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: b92.net

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