Macedonian Customs Seize Counterfeit Perfumes, Mobile Phones

Mar 30 2010 - 11:38

During regular controls at Macedonia’s border crossings in the period between February 8 and February 19, the Macedonian customs officials seized a considerable quantity of goods believed to be counterfeit, bearing high fashion labels such as Christian Dior, Versace and Armani.

In the week of February 8-14, the officials at the customs offices in Delcevo, eastern Macedonia, and the capital of Skopje seized 150 pairs of sneakers bearing the logos of Аdidas, Puma and Nike, and 960 coffee mugs bearing the logo of Nescafé.

On February 18, the officials at the Deve Bair border crossing on the border with Bulgaria seized 1,570 perfumes bearing the marks of Christian Dior, Versace, Calvin Klein, Joop, Emporio Armani, Kenzo, Hugo Boss, Chanel, Lacoste, Tommy Hilfiger and Bulgari, as well as 68 video camera tapes bearing the logo of Sony.

On February 19, the officials at the Skopje Airport seized 26 mobile phones bearing the marks of Nokia, Ferrari and iPhone. The officials also seized 1,290 pairs of sneakers bearing the mark of All Star, 210 tracksuit bottoms bearing the logo of Adidas, and 185 T-shirts and trousers bearing the logos of Esprit, Mexx and Tom Tailor.

The goods originated in China and Turkey, and were intended for the Macedonian and Kosovo markets.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Noveska in our Macedonia Office.

Source: Macedonian Customs

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