Serbia and Ukraine Ink Customs Cooperation Agreement

Mar 30 2010 - 11:30

On March 4, 2010, Serbia signed an agreement to cooperate on customs matters with Ukraine, its very important foreign trade partner.

The main purpose of the agreement is to ensure mutual assistance in the prevention of imports of counterfeits, investigation that follows, as well as monitoring of currency and trade violations, and promoting the exchange of information that will help suppress smuggling.

The agreement also aims at the mutual harmonization of customs procedures and regulations, improvement of customs techniques and resolution of problems related to the implementation of customs legislation.

Predrag Petronijevic, the director of Customs Administration, signed the agreement on behalf of the Serbian government, and Igor Pikovski, first deputy chairman of the State Customs Service of Ukraine, signed the agreement on behalf of the Ukrainian government.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic in our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Serbian Customs

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March 2010 News