Belarus Introduces Additional Patent Fee Payment Option

Mar 28 2019 - 13:32

Amendments to the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus entered into force on January 1, 2019, describing the patent fee payment procedure in a more clear, transparent way and adding an additional payment option.

The currency in which a payment is made still depends on whether the payer is a Belarus tax resident (individuals who have been in Belarus for more than 183 days in a calendar year are considered Belarus tax residents). While the first two options listed below existed before, the third option was introduced by the amended Tax Code:

  • Payers who are Belarus tax residents pay patent fees in Belarusian rubles.

  • Payers who are not Belarus tax residents pay patent fees in foreign currency (US dollars, euros, Swiss francs, Russian rubles), unless otherwise provided for by international treaties that Belarus is a party to. When calculating the fee, the official exchange rates set by the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus on the date of the payment are used.

  • When the patent fee is paid in part by a tax resident of Belarus and in part by a non-tax resident of Belarus, each pays their share in the currency stipulated by the Tax Code – the tax resident in rubles and the payer in foreign currency.

When Belarus tax residents pay patent fees on behalf of the patent holder, regardless of whether the holder is a resident of Belarus or not, the payment is carried out in Belarusian rubles.

Prepared by: Anastasia Khioni

For more information please contact

Source: Belarusian Intellectual Property Office website

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