Original, Notarized PoA Required for Each Action before Kosovo IPO

Jun 14 2016 - 14:21

As of June 8, 2016, the Kosovo IPO does not accept any action if not accompanied by an original Power of Attorney (PoA) form. Alternatively, a notarized copy of the original is acceptable. Kosovo notary public will only certify a copy if the original is notarized in the country of origin. Therefore, we recommend that each PoA sent, as of now on, is notarized.

This change applies to all filings before the Kosovo IPO, such as new applications, renewals, responses to office actions, oppositions, recordals, or any other action before the IPO.

Therefore, scanned copies of PoAs will not suffice to meet any deadline or obtain a filing date.

In this regard, we have to ask our clients to send us an original, notarized PoA with filing instructions of any nature. As mentioned, we will be able to produce notarized copies locally, but only based on an already notarized original.

For more information, please contact mail@petosevic.com.

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