Slovenian Customs Seize 19 Million Counterfeit Items in 2011

Apr 26 2012 - 12:29

According to the Slovenian Customs Administration’s recent report, in 2011 the Slovenian customs officials discovered and seized a total of 18,905,522 counterfeit items on 497 separate occasions. The most prevalent counterfeit goods were cigarettes, blank CDs and DVDs, jewelry, perfumes, batteries, watches and toys.

Last year the customs officials seized 3,516 pieces of counterfeit medicine, mainly anti-impotence drugs Viagra, Cialis and Levitra, which had been purchased by individuals online.

Most counterfeits arrived in Slovenia by sea at the Port of Koper, southwestern Slovenia, and by mail in the capital of Ljubljana. The counterfeits mainly originated in China, Hong Kong and India and were mainly intended for recipients in Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Most counterfeit drugs came from India.

Author: Tatjana Simovic

For more information, please contact Tatjana Simovic at our Slovenia office.

Source: Slovenian Customs

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