Piracy Rates in Azerbaijan Sharply Declining

Apr 26 2012 - 12:20

The level of piracy in Azerbaijan in the area of audiovisual and musical works has decreased over the last six years from 90 percent to 67 percent, while the software piracy rate has dropped from 95 percent to 88 percent, Azerbaijani Copyright Agency Chairman Kamran Imanov stressed at an international conference held on the occasion of the World Book and Copyright Day in Baku on April 23, 2012.

Imanov said that the industries based on copyright now contribute 4.5 percent to Azerbaijan’s gross domestic product (GDP), while six years ago it accounted for only 2 percent. In the United States the figure is 11 percent, Imanov noted.

Imanov expressed hope that on the basis of an agreement signed with Microsoft, all state institutions will gradually start using only licensed software. Imanov added that international practice shows that such measures would reduce the use of pirated software by 14-15 percent.

Author: Aleksandra Pavlovic

For more information, please contact mail@petosevic.com.

Source: Azerbaijani business information portal ABC

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