Ukraine to Stop Labeling Sparkling Wines as Champagne

Apr 27 2011 - 12:28

The EU and Ukraine will sign a free trade agreement this year according to which Ukrainian wine producers will have to stop denominating sparkling white wines as “champagne”. The agreement is expected to come into force in 2013.

Since the Soviet times, the sparkling white wines have been produced in Ukraine under the name “shampanskoye” (champagne) in the vineyards in the southern Crimea region of the country. The Ukrainian winemakers will soon have to choose another name for their white sparkling wine.

Apart from “shampanskoye”, brandies labeled as “konyak” and red wines labeled as “madeira” are also in conflict with the EU regulations.

The free trade agreement between Ukraine and the EU is supposed to break trade barriers and bring Ukraine closer to the EU membership. The agreement is also part of EU’s strategy to export its Geographical Indications (GI) system via agreements with non-EU countries.

For more information, please contact Maya Kryvoshei at our Ukraine office.

Source: The Independent, UK newspaper and online news portal

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