Montenegro Law on Geographical Indications for Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs Enters into Force

Apr 27 2011 - 12:54

The Law on designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional specialties guaranteed for agricultural products and foodstuffs was adopted by the Montenegrin parliament on March 17, 2011, published in the Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 18/11, and entered into force on April 9, 2011.

The law is in line with the EU regulations and relates to the protection of agricultural and food products only; wines and spirits are not within the scope of the law.

The law regulates the protection of designations of origin, geographical indications and traditional specialties guaranteed for agricultural products and foodstuffs, the manner and conditions for their registration, and other matters important for their designation. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of Montenegro conducts the proceedings in accordance with the new law.

The law provides that the owner of a designation of origin or geographical indication under the provisions of the Law on geographical indications of August 2008 (Official Gazette of Montenegro No. 48/08) is obliged to file the request for the registration of the same, under the provisions of the new law, within 18 months from the coming into force of the law.

For more information, please contact Jasna Jusic Paovic at our Montenegro office.

Source: Montenegro parliament website

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