Holiday Recess for Hungarian IPO

Nov 30 2022 - 14:43

On the basis of the Act on Government Administration, the Hungarian government has decreed an administrative recess for government administrative bodies, including the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO), from December 22, 2022 to January 6, 2023.

The most significant implications for applicants and right holders are the following:

  • Between December 22, 2022 and January 8, 2023, the HIPO will temporarily suspend its activities, including the receipt of documents;
  • During the recess, documents may be filed electronically, on paper using the HIPO automatic terminal and by fax;
  • If a deadline falls during the recess, including deadlines for making a priority declaration, filing an opposition, paying fees or submitting requests for review – the deadline will expire on January 9, 2023;
  • Deadlines that expire after January 8, 2023 are not affected by the recess;
  • Deadlines for international patent proceedings under the Patent Cooperation Treaty will not be extended, but the parties affected may justify any failure to perform an action during the recess before the HIPO as receiving Office under Rule 82quater.1 of the Regulations.

For more information, please visit the Hungarian IPO’s website.

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