Eurasian Patent Office to Increase Official Fees as of July 1

Jun 13 2022 - 14:02

The Eurasian Patent Office (EAPO) has introduced amendments to certain official fees payable when filing and prosecuting Eurasian patent applications. All amended fees concern pending applications, not valid patents. The new fees will enter into force on July 1, 2022.

The official filing and examination fees will increase by approximately 30%; the official grant and publication fees by approximately 40%; and the official term extension and restoration fees by 28-40%.

The current and future fees are outlined in the table below:

Current official fees (RUB) Official fees applicable as of July 1, 2022 (RUB) Increase, %
Filing fees
Filing the application for up to 5 claims 28000 36000 29
Each additional claim in excess of 5 3700 4800 30
Each additional claim in excess of 20 4000 5200 30
Each additional claim in excess of 50 5000 6500 30
Examination fees
Request for substantive examination, 1st independent claim included 30000 40000 33
For 2nd independent claim 20000 25000 25
For each additional independent claim 10000 13000 30
Grant and publication
Grant and publication fee 18000 25000 39
Amending the application before the formal examination is completed 3700 4800 30
Amending the application after the formal examination is completed 8000 10000 25
Objections and oppositions
Filing an objection against refusal to grant a Eurasian patent 20000 25000 25
Filing an opposition against the grant of a Eurasian patent 30000 40000 33
Term extensions and restoration of rights
Request for extension of term up to 2 months (each month) 1000 1300 30
Request for extension of term from 3-12 months (in addition for each month compared to each previous month) 1000 1300 30
Request for extension of term from 13 months (in addition for each month compared to previous month) 1250 1600 28
Restoration of rights to a Eurasian patent application 25000 35000 40

If there is a deadline to be met in the near future, which includes the payment of official fees, it is advisable to take action before the end of June, while the current fee schedule still applies.

For more information, please contact

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