Hungarian Officials Seize Counterfeit Electronic Devices with Unlicensed Software

Oct 31 2016 - 15:03

Hungarian authorities recently seized two laptops with unlicensed software and an automobile diagnostic device and cable kit believed to infringe the Mercedes® trademark at a car workshop in Győr-Moson-Sopron County in northwestern Hungary.

Financial inspectors have previously used the services of this workshop and did not receive an invoice before payment. They then inspected the premises and found the two laptops for whose software the owner failed to provide any certificate of origin. They also found the automobile diagnostic equipment, determined to be unlicensed and counterfeit.

Through IP rights infringement, the perpetrators caused approximately EUR 25,600 (USD 27,900) worth of damage.

The investigation is underway.

Prepared by: Tatjana Krivszka

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Source: Hungarian Tax and Customs Administration website

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