Denunciation of Madrid Agreement by Uzbekistan

Apr 20 2007 - 05:47

On January 3, 2007, the Republic of Uzbekistan deposited its instrument of denunciation of the Madrid Agreement with WIPO. This denunciation shall take effect on January 1, 2008.

Article 15 of the Madrid Agreement prescribes the possibilities for a member state to denounce the Agreement, and the consequences thereof.

International marks registered up to the date when denunciation becomes effective (i.e. January 1, 2008 for the Republic of Uzbekistan), and not refused within a period of one year from this date, shall continue, throughout the period of international protection, to enjoy the same protection as if they had been filed directly in the denouncing country.

Therefore, it is still possible to designate Uzbekistan through the Madrid Agreement during the period from January 3, 2007 (deposit of the instrument of denunciation) to January 1, 2008 (the effective date of denunciation), and such designation shall be treated “ordinary” (i.e. registered and/or refused within one year as anticipated in Article 5 of the Madrid Agreement).

For more information, please contact Tanja Rajic.

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