On May 9, 2006 the Vienna Agreement Will Enter Into Force in the Republic of Croatia

Feb 17 2006 - 22:29

Croatia was approved and notified of its accession to the Vienna agreement by the Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization on February 9, 2006.

The countries to which Vienna agreement applies constitute what is known as a Special Union and adopt common classification for the figurative elements of marks. The agreement has the same duration as the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.

As any other country of the Special Union, the Republic of Croatia has the right to denounce the agreement by notifying the Director General. Denunciation would take effect one year after the receipt of the denunciation by the Director General. The right for denunciation could be exercised only five years after becoming a member of the Special Union.

For more information, please contact Anamarija Stancic Petrovic
in our Croatia office.

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