Latvia Accedes to the European Patent Convention

May 20 2005 - 04:47

On April 5, 2005, the Government of the Republic of Latvia deposited its instrument of accession to the European Patent Convention (EPC) and to the Act revising the EPC of November 29, 2000.

According to the text of ratification, this Convention will enter into force in Latvia on July 1, 2005. Latvia will thus become the 31st member state of the European Patent Organization.

The practical implications of this accession include the following:

  • The European Patent extension system will continue to apply to all European and international applications filed prior to July 1, 2005.

  • European patent applications filed on or after July 1, 2005 will include the designation of Latvia. It will not be possible to designate Latvia retroactively in applications filed before that date.

  • For European and international applications filed on or after July 1, 2005, the validation route will take place after the grant of the European Patent. Any international application filed on or after the accession date will include the designation of Latvia for a European Patent, in addition to a national patent.

For further details on the validation of European Patents to Latvia, please contact us.

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