Macedonian Customs Seize Counterfeit Watches, Perfumes, Cosmetics, Apparel

Aug 28 2012 - 15:00

During regular controls at Macedonia’s border crossings in the period July 17 – August 12, 2012, the customs officials seized a considerable quantity of goods bearing well-known brand names, believed to be counterfeit.

On July 17, the customs officials seized 850 watches bearing the marks of Gucci, Lacoste, Armani, Cartier, Ferrari, Calvin Klein, Chanel, Dior, Police and Mercedes, valued at approximately EUR 11,180 (USD 13,730).

On July 25, the officials seized 7,450 perfumes and 2,800 mascaras bearing the marks of Big Boss, Pyramid, Hugo Boss and Colossal, valued at over EUR 246,550 (USD 302,730) if sold on the market as originals.

During the period July 21-29, the officials also seized 1,443 apparel items, fashion accessories, and car parts bearing the marks of Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, Levi’s, Prada, Coco Chanel, Lacoste, Diesel, Burberry, Zara, Gucci, Boss and Louis Vuitton, and Iskra valued at approximately EUR 14,800 (USD 18,170) if sold on the market as originals.

In the week of August 6 – 12, the customs officials seized 205 pairs of jeans and 349 pairs of men’s Bermuda shorts bearing the mark of Tommy Hilfiger, as well as 660 men’s shirts bearing the marks of Tom Tailor and Levi’s.

The goods, which were found in trucks with Turkish, Macedonian and Serbian license plates, originated in Dubai, Turkey and Serbia, and were intended for the Kosovo and Macedonian markets.

Prepared by: Aleksandra Pavlovic

For more information, please contact

Source: Macedonian Customs

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