Quarter of Russian Internet Users Have Paid for Online Video

Dec 27 2011 - 13:28

A recent research has shown that the number of Russian Internet users who have paid for the online video content is on the rise and has reached 26 percent.

According to the research conducted by J’son & Partners Consulting from Moscow, the number of people watching video online in Russia has reached 41 million people, while the online video market’s value could grow from USD 1.7 million (EUR 1.3 million) in 2011 to USD 40 million (EUR 31 million) by 2016.

The majority of the users are presently watching non-professional or pirated video content on video-sharing websites such as Youtube, Rutube, Smotri, Video.yandex, Video.mail and Vkontakte, but the share of websites offering legal video content, such as Tvigle, Ivi, Zoomby and Videomore has been increasing.

As a result, advertisers have become more interested in the online video content providers and the online video advertisement market in Russia is expected to grow from USD 36 million (EUR 27 million) in 2011 and to USD 280 million (EUR 214 million) by 2016.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: The Hollywood Reporter online portal, entertainment industry news source

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