Law on Optical Disks in Serbia Explained

Aug 30 2011 - 15:48

In the last issue we reported that the new Law on Optical Disks entered into force in Serbia on July 23, 2011. The law is applicable as from January 23, 2012.

The law prescribes conditions for the manufacture of optical discs and the production parts thereof, import and export of production parts and the manufacturing equipment used in connection with the production of optical discs, as well as the conditions related to copying for commercial purposes, export, import, trade and distribution of optical discs.

The law explains the meaning of the following terms: optical disc, stamper, glass master, manufacturing equipment, mastering equipment, manufacture, manufacturing code, manufacturing license, etc.

The law also prescribes that no person can engage in the manufacture of optical discs and/or in the manufacture of equipment used in connection with the production of optical discs without previously obtaining the license and the manufacturer’s code.

The law deals with various aspects of optical discs licensing. For example, the Serbian IPO will be authorized to issue the license, duration period of which is two years. However, the license can be renewed for an indefinite number of times upon filing of a written request and paying the prescribed fee. The IPO will also be in charge of managing the manufacturers’ codes registrar in electronic form and assigning the codes to licensees.

The Market Inspectorate will carry out the inspection over the implementation of the new law. The law itself contains provisions relating to the rights and obligations of the Market Inspectorate as well as provisions regarding its cooperation with the customs authorities during the export and import of optical discs, stampers and manufacturing equipment.

The law was modeled on the corresponding laws in Hong Kong, the Philippines, Ukraine, and Montenegro.

For more information, please contact Tijana Milijanovic at our Balkan Regional Office.


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