US Places Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine Markets on Top Pirates List

Mar 24 2011 - 14:10

On February 28, 2011, the United States government released a list of marketplaces, both physical and online, well known for offering counterfeit and pirated goods. Ukrainian, Russian and Bulgarian markets and websites are included on this list.

The review of “notorious markets” will from now on be published separately. It used to be part of the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) annual Special 301 report, due to be released next month.

“The United States urges the responsible authorities to intensify efforts to combat piracy and counterfeiting in these and similar markets, and to use the information contained in the Notorious Market List to pursue legal action where appropriate”, it is stated in the report.

Among physical marketplaces offering fake goods, the report includes the Petrivka Market in Kiev, Ukraine and the Savelovskiy Market in Moscow, Russia. According to the report, the Petrivka Market is an open-air market with approximately 300 stands selling pirated music, films, games and software, while the shopping center Savelovskiy Market is reportedly filled with counterfeit electronic goods.

Among the online sources of fake goods, the report lists Russian-based BitTorrent tracker Rutracker, which is among Russia’s 15 most visited websites and among the 300 most visited websites globally. Also included on the list is the Ukraine-hosted BitTorrent tracker Demonoid and Bulgarian-based BitTorrent tracker zamunda.

Russian social network vKontakte, which is among the five most visited websites in Russia and among the 40 most visited websites in the world, is also cited in the report for providing access to unauthorized audio and audiovisual material.

The full report can be downloaded by clicking here.

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic at our Balkan Regional Office.

Source: Office of the USTR’s Review of Notorious Markets

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