Holographic-Image CDs, DVDs in Armenia to Help Fight Piracy

Dec 21 2010 - 14:19

CDs, DVDs and audiocassettes with holographic images, which will help consumers differentiate between licensed and pirated products, will be available for sale in Armenia as of March 11, 2011, Armenia Microsoft Office Director Grigor Barseghyan announced at a press conference on November 17. This measure is being taken in cooperation with the Armenian Parliament with the aim of reducing piracy.

Barseghyan explained that a recent survey showed that the majority of people cannot recognize a fake, but that 65 percent of the respondents agree that only licensed software should be used, even if it is more expensive. He also noted that the number of people using licensed software has increased over the last few years, proof of which is the fact that software piracy in Armenia has decreased by 6 percent over the past four years, from 96 to 90 percent.

For more information, please contact Aleksandra Pavlovic at our Macedonia office.

Source: News portal News.am

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