Priority Registration of Cyrillic IDNs with and as of October 19

Oct 20 2010 - 19:02

On October 19, 2010, the priority registration of Cyrillic Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) in Ukraine became available in and zones.

According to the website of Hostmaster, which administers the .ua domain, the Cyrillic IDNs registration will be held in three stages.

During the first stage, taking place from October 19 – November 17, the owners of word marks and well-known trademarks will be allowed to register domain names.

During the second stage, which will last from November 19 – December 19, domain names will be delegated to registrants who would like to register them for a period of 10 years.

Registration will then become available to everyone on December 21.

During all three stages, the requested domain names will go through a verification process to see if they comply with the registration requirements developed according to the international standards and designed to prevent cybersquatting and phishing.

For the official list of registrars, please go here.

For more information, please contact Maya Kryvoshei at our Ukraine office.

Source: Hostmaster, operator of Ukrainian .ua domain

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