New Belarus Law on Trademarks and Service Marks Enters Into Force on January 25, 2010

Nov 24 2009 - 12:23

The new Belarus Law on Trademarks and Service Marks will enter into force on January 25, 2010. The amendments to this law, which were passed in July 2009, are intended to harmonize Belarusian law with the EU legislation.

The new law includes a chapter on well-known marks. The chapter defines a well-known mark and outlines the procedure for determining a trademark as well-known. According to the new law, a well-known trademark’s term of protection is infinite, provided that the trademark remains well-known.

A trademark that has not been renewed can be applied for by a third party six months after the registration term has expired. However, if the owner has voluntarily withdrawn the trademark registration, the new applicant may register the mark immediately, without having to wait for the 6-month period to expire.

The non-use grace period has been reduced from five to three years.

For more information please contact Aleksandra Noveska at our Macedonia office.

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