Russian Law on Patent Attorneys Enters into Force

Apr 14 2009 - 16:57

The Law on Patent Attorneys entered into force in the Russian Federation on March 31, 2009. It aims to improve legislative provisions for the protection of intellectual property rights, and it specifies the requirements that patent attorneys must meet.

Accordingly, patent attorneys need to validate their qualifications by registering with the Roster of Patent Attorneys of the Russian Federation and by earning an appropriate certificate.

They should also be permanent residents of the Russian Federation, hold a university degree and show at least four years of professional experience. They are entitled to be self-employed or to work as contracted employees.

In addition, the law allows patent attorneys to establish public unions and self-regulated organizations.

Persons whose activities were discontinued by a court decision, and who were removed from the Roster of Patent Attorneys, cannot be attested as patent attorneys. Civil and municipal servants cannot register as patent attorneys either.

For more information, please contact Jovana Miocinovic in our Balkan Regional Office.

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