MEDICRIME Convention Enters into Force in Ukraine

Jan 28 2016 - 17:35

On January 1, 2016, the Council of Europe Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health (MEDICRIME Convention) entered into force in Ukraine.

MEDICRIME Convention, signed in Moscow on October 28, 2011, is the first international treaty that obligates signatory states to hold the manufacturers and distributors of counterfeit medical products criminally responsible for their acts.

The Convention also aims to protect the rights of victims of the offences established under this Convention and promote national and international co-operation in the fight against fake drugs.

The Convention has been signed by 24 states and ratified by 5 – Guinea, Hungary, Moldova, Spain, and Ukraine.

The Convention covers all medical products regardless of whether they are protected by intellectual property rights.

Prepared by: Olga Goncharova

For more information, please contact

Source: – Ukrainian news portal

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