Fake Mobile Phones Destroyed in Russia

Jan 31 2013 - 10:28

According to the video and the video description recently posted on YouTube, the authorities in the Amur region, eastern Russia, recently destroyed 127 counterfeit mobile devices bearing the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S marks.

The authorities crushed the mobile phones with a bulldozer and then burned the debris.

According to EnglishRussia, a blog devoted to events happening in Russian-speaking countries, a Chinese citizen tried to smuggle the fake phones into Russia and did not have official documents to show their origin.

The fake phones were worth approximately USD 36,500 (EUR 27,400). The infringer was allegedly fined USD 65 (EUR 49).

Prepared by: Jelena Jankovic

For more information, please contact mail@petosevic.com.

Source: YouTube, EnglishRussia.com

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