Russia to Get International Patent for Space Monitoring System Against Natural Catastrophes

Mar 24 2011 - 14:17

Moscow’s Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center, a manufacturer of spacecraft and space-launch systems, is expected to receive an international patent for its global aerospace monitoring system that can be used to predict potential natural disasters and send warnings to countries all over the world.

The system foresees the use of satellites, airplanes, ground sensors and navigators to monitor environmental changes and transmit data on ongoing or potential threats, such as earthquakes, forest fires, tsunamis or asteroid falls, to regional and international crisis centers. These centers will then notify the UN institutions to ensure people are timely evacuated from dangerous areas.

Heads of major space agencies approved the project during a meeting in Washington last year and so far 11 countries have shown willingness to invest into it.

Russia has already developed movable stations required for the aerospace monitoring, while the Earth monitoring will be conducted with the help of already operating satellites as well as new devices.

Director of the Research Institute for Space Exploration Valery Menshikov says that the project worth USD 22 billion (EUR 16 billion) is likely to attract other countries:

“Indonesia is among countries most frequently suffering from natural disasters. After a series of talks with Indonesian government, we were allowed to set up a regional headquarters in Bali. Ukraine offered us access to its resources in Yevpatoria, Crimea, from where space security used to be ensured in Soviet times. Argentina has also joined in. China is ready to invest in the project, and we also expect Australia to make its decision on the issue.”

For more information, please contact Jelena Jankovic at our Balkan Regional office.

Source: The Voice of Russia

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