- Advising clients on all types of copyright/author’s rights subject matter including books, films, music, paintings, software, video games, websites and promotional materials
- Searching copyright records and evaluating the subsistence of copyright in client’s works
- Advising on registration and proper use of copyright notices
- Negotiating and drafting agreements relating to creation, licensing, purchase or sale of copyrighted material
- Drafting work-for-hire and similar agreements, assignments, releases and related opinions
- Identifying infringements and infringers
- Providing opinions on copyright infringement
- Advising on litigation strategy and litigating disputes
- Mediating disputes and negotiating settlements
- Managing copyright portfolios regionally and worldwide
Key Contacts
Aliya Madiyarova
- Head of Office - Kazakhstan
- Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney
- Eurasian Patent Attorney
Ana Radoman
- Associate
Ana Stojanović
- Senior Associate
- Attorney at Law
- Trademark and Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
Anamarija Stančić Petrović
- PETOŠEVIĆ Brussels Representative
- Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
Aura Campeanu
- Head of Office - Romania
- Trademark, Patent and Design Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
Balázs Csányi
- Head of Office - Hungary
- Attorney at Law
Barbara Mencin
- Head of Office - Slovenia
- Trademark and Design Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
Camilla Ismatullayeva
- Trademark Attorney
Dimitar Batakliev
- Head of Office - Bulgaria
- Attorney at Law
- Trademark and Patent Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
Djakhangir Aripov
- Head of Office - Uzbekistan
- Attorney at Law
- Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney
Dora Klančnik
- Junior Associate
Ivan Kos
- Head of Office - Croatia
- Trademark Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
Kliment Markov
- Junior Associate
- Attorney at Law
Maja Žnidarič Plevnik
- Senior Associate
- Trademark and Design Attorney
- European Trademark and Design Attorney
Mara Marinescu
- Associate
- Attorney at Law
Mihajlo Zatezalo
- Regional Manager – Western Balkans
- Head of Office - Serbia and North Macedonia
- Attorney at Law
- Trademark and Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
Mirjana Živković
- Senior Associate
- Attorney at Law
- Trademark and Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
Mladen Čolović
- Head of Office - Montenegro
- Attorney at Law
Natalia Stetsenko
- Senior Associate
Oleh Karpenko
- Head of Office - Ukraine
- Attorney at Law
Oleksandr Kuriachyi
- Associate
- Attorney at Law
Predrag Anokić
- Chief Operations Officer
- Trademark and Patent Attorney
- European Patent Attorney
Slobodan Petošević
- Group Executive Chairman and CEO
Sultan Tleubekov
- Junior Associate
Umida Solijonova
- Associate
- Trademark Attorney
Yuriy Karlash
- Associate
- Attorney at Law
- Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney
Zita Szilágyi
- Associate
- Attorney at Law