Taras Manolov Tutors in WIPO Patent Drafting Workshop

Dec 29 2020 - 14:22

From December 7 to December 11, 2020, PETOŠEVIĆ Ukraine Patent Agent Taras Manolov took part in the Virtual National Patent Drafting Workshop organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in cooperation with the Ukrainian Ministry for Development of Economy, Trade and Agriculture and the Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute (Ukrpatent).

The five-day online workshop centered on identifying inventive concepts and drafting patent claims to cover the widest possible scope of protection. Thirty-five participants attended the lectures, performed practical exercises and participated in group discussions. The participants came from various parts of Ukraine and included university lecturers, patent and trademark attorneys, lawyers that did not have experience working with intellectual property, as well as information technology professionals interested in protecting IT-related IP rights.

Mr. Manolov held lectures on patentability requirements, the concepts of novelty and inventive step, and common pitfalls in drafting patent claims. He also participated in live Q&A sessions and provided feedback during patent drafting exercises.

For more information, please contact Taras Manolov at our Ukraine office.

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