PETOŠEVIĆ Establishes Central Asia Office

Nov 6 2017 - 13:48

We are pleased to announce that we have opened an office in Central Asia, more precisely in the heart of the region — Tashkent, Uzbekistan, taking the total PETOŠEVIĆ office count to 16.

The decision to open an office in Tashkent follows a constantly increasing demand for our services in this difficult region. After years of working through affiliated offices, we are now able to provide direct contact to our clients for all their intellectual property needs, just like in every other jurisdiction where we are present.

Head of Office Djakhangir Aripov is an Uzbek Attorney at Law and Patent, Trademark and Design Attorney. With over 13 years of experience in all areas of intellectual property, Mr. Aripov will supervise the entire range of contentious and non-contentious work for our clients operating in the region.

CEO Ignacio Lázaro said: “The opening of an office in Central Asia was influenced primarily by client feedback indicating an increasing need for a broader regional coverage through a single firm. This is a challenging region and our team will be carefully selected based on our knowledge of the Central Asian market, which we accumulated over the years of working through affiliated offices. This new addition will also strengthen our practice in the former USSR region and complement our growing teams in Moscow and Kyiv.”

Executive Chairman Slobodan Petošević said: “We were always ready to embrace change and challenge. Central Asia is a tough part of the world, where we thought an IP dedicated, transparent and reliable firm will have plenty to do in the coming years. Tashkent is conveniently located in the centre of the region, easily accessible from Moscow and Kyiv, and our Head of Office is one of the top IP professionals there. When all elements fall into place like this, there is no room for hesitation. We are thrilled to partake in the efforts in bringing IP protection to a whole different level in Central Asia.”

Contact information:

75 Mustaqillik Ave.
Inconel Business Center
SK building
Floor 2, Office 2
100000 Tashkent

T: +998 71 120 65 14
F: +998 71 120 65 15

For more information, please contact Regional CIS Manager Dina Petošević or Djakhangir Aripov directly.

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