SD PETOSEVIC Opens Bosnia Office

Sep 20 2004 - 23:31

On June 4, 2004, SD PETOSEVIC b.v.b.a. established an office in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Mrs. Amra Foco serves as the Legal Representative of the Bosnia office.

Establishment of the Bosnia office represents another milestone in SD PETOSEVIC’s steadily expanding Balkan practice and a significant commitment to its already extensive Eastern European practice, conducted from offices in Brussels and Belgrade.

SD PETOSEVIC’s presence in Bosnia is also invaluable in continuing to meet and exceed clients’ expectations. It comes at a significant moment as extensive privatization and legal reforms are expected in Bosnia. These changes are expected to cause an acceleration of foreign investment as well as to create business opportunities for SD PETOSEVIC clients.

For more information on SD PETOSEVIC Bosnia office, please contact our Bosnia representative.

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