Extension of European Patents available in Bosnia & Herzegovina starting December 1, 2004

Dec 1 2004 - 07:02

On December 1, 2004, the Co-operation and Extension Agreement between Bosnia & Herzegovina and the European Patent Office enters into force.

More precisely, under this Agreement, it will be possible to extend the protection conferred by the European patent applications and patents to Bosnia & Herzegovina without any subsequent examination. European patents extended to Bosnia & Herzegovina will have the same effect as national patents granted in the territory of Bosnia & Herzegovina. However, it is important to note that extensions to Bosnia & Herzegovina will be available only for European patent applications and international patent applications (entering European regional phase) filed on or after December 1, 2004 and for which the extension fee has been paid to the European Patent Office.

Regarding the filing procedure, the request for an extension should be filed by the applicant within 3 months from the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin.

For more information on the extension of European patents to Bosnia & Herzegovina, please contact our Bosnia representative.

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