Hungary Reintroduces Patent Maintenance Fees for the First Three Years of Patent Duration

Oct 3 2022 - 14:52

On August 7, 2022, the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office published a notification informing that Decree No. 675/2021. (XII.3.), which abolished patent maintenance fees for the first three years of patent duration, expired on June 1, 2022, meaning that patent maintenance fees are again payable, as provided for by the Hungarian Patent Act.

On August 6, 2021, the Hungarian Government published Decree No. 474/2021 (VIII.6.) abolishing patent maintenance fees for the first three years of the patent protection period for national and European patents filed in Hungary on or after August 7, 2021. This Decree was in force until December 3, 2021, when it was replaced by Decree No. 675/2021 (XII.3.) which also abolished patent maintenance fees for the first three years of the patent protection period.

This Decree was intended to be in force during the coronavirus-related state of emergency in Hungary, i.e. until the date of expiry of Act I of 2021 on the Containment of the Coronavirus Pandemic, which expired on June 1, 2022.

Prepared by: Balázs Csányi and Erika Farkas

For more information, please contact

Source: Hungarian Intellectual Property Office website

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