IAM Patent 1000 Ranks PETOŠEVIĆ Offices and Professionals for Excellent Patent Work

Jul 29 2021 - 09:41

The IAM Patent 1000 – The World’s Leading Patent Professionals 2021 rankings were recently published, recognizing PETOŠEVIĆ offices and practitioners in three jurisdictions.

The IAM Patent 1000 is published by IAM, a leading IP business information provider and the sister publication of the World Trademark Review. Banding includes Gold, Silver, and Bronze bands or just a Recommendation without a band in some countries.

PETOŠEVIĆ was ranked as follows:

Romania – Highly recommended for Patent Prosecution
Russia – Recommended for Patent Prosecution
Ukraine – Silver band

The guide shined a spotlight on four PETOŠEVIĆ practitioners for excellent patent work:

Dina Petošević, Regional Manager – Russian Speaking Region
Aura Campeanu, Head of Office, PETOŠEVIĆ Romania
Ivan Nagornykh, Patent Attorney, PETOŠEVIĆ Russia
Taras Manolov, Patent Attorney, PETOŠEVIĆ Ukraine

For more information and to read testimonials about PETOŠEVIĆ and our practitioners, please visit our Rankings page.

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