Ukraine–EU Association Agreement Enters into Force

Oct 2 2017 - 15:36

The Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine fully entered into force on September 1, 2017.

While the Association Agreement was signed and ratified by Ukraine in 2014, it could not enter into force until all EU member countries ratified it. The last one was the Netherlands in May 2017. However, substantial parts of the Agreement have already been provisionally applied.

The Association Agreement aims to accelerate Ukraine’s political and economic integration into the EU. Chapter 9 of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement (DCFTA), a fundamental part of the Association Agreement, covers intellectual property matters and provides for the harmonization of the Ukrainian legislation with the EU legal framework, aiming to increase the level of IP rights protection in the country.

Prepared by: Yulia Kropivka

For more information, please contact

Source: BBC Ukraine, Ligazakon news website

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