Bulgarian Snack Food Manufacturer Fined Over Misleading TV Commercial

May 24 2010 - 12:13

Bulgaria’s Commission for Unfair Competition has recently fined the Bulgarian snack food producer Ital Food Industry AD, located in the town of Shumen in northeastern Bulgaria, with EUR 109,058 (USD 138,373) over a misleading television commercial.

The commercial was considered to be misleading as it created the impression and led consumers to believe that the advertised product, small round breads with various toppings, Bruschette Maretti, originates in Italy. The commercial is based entirely on the Italian culture and language, and the various ingredients used to make the snack product such as the olive oil, parmesan cheese, tomatoes and basil create the same impression.

The Commission ruled that Ital Food Industry AD’s action is contradictory to the fair trade practice as the producer should have clearly indicated that the product is Bulgarian by origin.

For more information, please contact Milena Bogoslovova at our Bulgaria office.

Source: Bulgaria’s Commission for Unfair Competition

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